Zachary Kruth ’07 and Joy Liang Kruth
Although Zachary and Joy Liang Kruth hold degrees from private institutions, it’s Berkeley — where Zachary earned his undergraduate degree in political economy — that benefits the most from their philanthropy.

“We give one-tenth as much to Stanford and MIT each year,” says Zachary, a Silicon Valley executive who’s worked at a number of healthcare and financial technology startups. “We love that Berkeley is a large public institution that serves everyone in California. It provides an important public service.”
Zachary and Joy, who works as a management consultant, also appreciate the value of his political economy degree from Berkeley, and they see it as especially worthy of their lasting support. “I think political economy is one of the majors that sets the tone for why liberal arts are important,” Zachary says. “It provides you with a very well-rounded explanation of how the world works. Without that foundational experience early in your life, the world is more confusing.”
A few years back, the couple established a scholarship within the political economy department, helping to enhance access and opportunities for deserving students. “We believe in the value of education for everyone,” Joy says, “and supporting Cal is one of the most directly effective ways we see to encourage equity in our society.”