Giving Levels

Your cumulative annual giving totaling $1,000 or more during the fiscal year (July 1–June 30) anywhere on campus establishes and sustains your membership in the Charter Hill Society. As the level of your giving grows, so do your opportunities for engagement with the campus. Current students and recent alums can become members with reduced levels of annual giving.

As a part of the Charter Hill Society, you can expect recognition opportunities throughout the year to celebrate your partnership with UC Berkeley. All Charter Hill Society donors receive our quarterly newsletters, which include upcoming events, experiences, and campus news.

As a recognized donor, you may receive an annual report of your impact, plus invitations to special events, such as conversations with campus leaders that provide insights into how the university fulfills its mission. Donors contributing at higher giving levels will receive advanced notice of recognition opportunities, such as priority registration for events with limited space.

Giving Levels


The recognition opportunities provided through the Charter Hill Society vary each year. For questions about the Charter Hill Society or to learn more about experiences available to you as a Charter Hill Society donor, please contact us.

Please note: The Charter Hill Society is unable to provide parking.