
Made up of donors like you who provide vital annual support, the Charter Hill Society is uniquely powerful at Berkeley, helping to further the university’s public mission while raising the philanthropic bar to inspire others. The society counts cumulative gifts that you make during the fiscal year (July 1–June 30) anywhere on campus, rewarding you with special benefits based on your annual level of giving.


Graduates Of the Last Decade and Students

GOLDS membership celebrates current students and recent alums by offering Charter Hill Society Member-tier benefits at reduced minimum levels of annual giving:

  • $250 for current students or alums who graduated in the last one to four years
  • $500 for alums who graduated in the last five to nine years



  • Donor specific communications with updates from campus
  • Invitations to Discover Cal lectures
  • Complimentary admission to the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) galleries
  • Two-for-one admission to The Lawrence Hall of Science
  • Dedicated assistance with questions about your membership and other campus matters



All Member benefits, plus:

  • Invitations to two Cal Performances special events



All Affiliate benefits, plus:

  • Annual comprehensive report of your giving, including descriptions of the impact of private philanthropy on the departments you supported
  • Invitation to the Charter Hill Society Annual Leadership Roundtable, a private event that offers the opportunity to interact with UC Berkeley’s exceptional community and leaders



All Associate benefits, plus:

  • Invitation to the Berkeley Charter Gala
  • Library card privileges at all main and subject-based libraries on campus (California residents only)
  • Concierge services for customized campus tours, purchasing tickets to campus events, and other special arrangements*
  • Private tours with the following campus partners*
    ⁃ Gallery tour of the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA)
    ⁃ Garden tour of the University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley
    ⁃ Tour of Doe Library, the Main (Gardner) Stacks, and Moffitt Library



All Partner benefits, plus:

  • Recognition in UC Berkeley’s honor roll of major donors featured in the Annual Report of Philanthropy

For questions about any of these benefits, please contact

* For tour requests, please provide 3 weeks’ advance notice. Tour availability is subject to operating hours.

Please note that the Charter Hill Society is unable to provide parking. Also, in the event of an emergency or public health concern, some campus benefits may be unavailable and events may be moved to a virtual format, postponed, or canceled. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thank you to our Charter Hill Society campus partners:

Cal Performances UC Botanical Garden UC Berkeley Library The Lawrence Hall of Science BAMPFA